
Friday, September 27, 2013

Trumpets in the Book of Revelation.

Still need to update, only have looked up 1st , 3rd, 5th trumpets in the website

Most of the book of Revelation is spiritual or symbolic, not literal.  


1st angel trumpet=

"The Third Part"


A Study of Lamentations 4:4-5

3rd angel sound trumpet=

"The Abomination of desolation spoken of from the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Daniel speaks of complete desolation of the New Testament global visible Church (the Temple -- Please note here that we are not speaking of Christ's bride -- His eternal Church who's names are written in heaven -- Hebrews 12:23) by the spirit of Antichrist, through false gospels. 

The man of sin (lawless man) ruling in the Temple as if he was God, silences the true Gospel of eternal salvation. The faithful word of God (bread) is hard to be found (famine) as those in the Church teach the error of false gospels, which cannot save. 

There is a famine of bread and water (Amos 8:11), and the deadly poison of wormwood (Revelation 8:10-11) is there. Gone are the spiritual bread/manna and the living waters of life. 

The children of the woman who give suck have their tongues cleave or stick to the roof of their mouth, being an illustration of this thirst. The man of sin has taken a seat in the temple replacing the man of God. He is under rule and authority of Satan, and this abomination before God will leave the Temple of God desolate, which is truly all denominations that call upon the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour." 


5th angel sound and 5th vial=seat of the beast, spiritual darkness in most churches.

"All these gospels have made inroads into the Seminaries and have produced many preachers who are committed, but remained unsaved. 

Remember the 200 million horsemen of Revelation 9 who are attacking the third part of mankind, and remember the third part of Zechariah 13? 

The third part of Zechariah 13 is the church, and this is how satan has prepared the seminaries and the pulpits for many years. 

And so we see that Antichrist is not one person, but he is the embodiment of Satan and all his demons in many preachers and teachers who are peddling a gospel that is not the Gospel of the Bible. And so we see where the seat of the beast is. The seat of the beast is in the church, and the church is being enveloped in total darkness.

Total Darkness (Revelation 11:7-8, Revelation 13:7-8)

By pouring out the 5th vial on the seat of the beast, God is saying that the churches which have been taken over by Satan are enveloped in total darkness. This darkness does not come suddenly at the end of time, for we must remember that the seven vials are poured out simultaneously, and thus this darkness is a condition that exists for as long as that church has been taken over."

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